The Irish Setter Club of Scotland

Champ Results Apr 2024

Judge: Mrs Julie Wilkins (Margretswood)
BIS: Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady JW
RBIS:Catling’s Teleri Here Comes Summer (AI)
BPIS: Gisby’s Marlland Lily on the Valley (imp Ned)
BVIS: Lucas’s SH CH Bardonhill Eternal Flame Among Amberlight JW
DCC: Lucas’s SH CH Bardonhill Eternal Flame Among Amberlight JW
RDCC: Green’s Glencarron The Show Must Go On JW
BPD: Box’s Bardonhill It’s Now or Never for Fernstart
BVD: Lucas’s SH CH Bardonhill Eternal Flame Among Amberlight JW
BCC:Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady JW
RBCC:Caitling’s Teleri Here Comes Summer (AI)
BPB: Gisby’s Marlland Lily on the Valley (imp Ned)
BVB: Stevenson’s Lochlorien True Detective is Andley
Baby Puppy Dog (1; 0)Baby Puppy Bitch (0)
1. Supper & Rosie’s Alofrana Welsh Crusader
Minor Puppy Dog (6; 0)Minor Puppy Bitch (3; 1)
1. Box’s Bardonhill It’s Now or Never for Fernstart
2. Jacob’s Forfarian Fancy Footwork
3. Dow’s Forfarian Fancy Some Fun
4. Allen, Bott & Morgan’s Quensha The One Man Show (AI)
5. Sheldon’s Bardonhill That’s All Right at Delsanto
1.Gisby’s Marlland Lily On the Family by Suttersett (imp NLD)
2.Sansom’s Bardonhill Little Sister
Puppy Dog (3; 1)Puppy Bitch (4; 1)
1.Holehan’s Loganrish Tiger Warrior
2.Russell’s Tireon Touch of Magic by Settesoli
1.Gisby’s Marlland Lily On the Family by Suttersett (imp NLD)
2.Borthwick’s Danwish Aria
3.Holehan’s Loganrish Tiger Lilly Pearl
Junior DogJunior Bitch (2; 0)
1.Richardson’s Bardonhill McIntosh Red at Montgreenan
2.Lucas’s Gwendariff Bachelor Boy
1.Robinson’s Cherrovale Dream Come True
2.Blackshaw & Rowbottom’s Lanstara Cherrovale Dream Come True
Yearling Dog (6; 1)Yearling Bitch (2; 0)
1.Parsons’ Quensha Thinking Out Loud at Bransett JW
2.Richardson’s Bardonhill McIntosh Red at Montgreenan
3.Lucas’s Gwendariff Bachelor Boy
4.Green’s Loganrish Out On The Town JW
5.Charlish’s Quensha People Keep Talking of Harelferg
1.Bridgewater’s Bridgella’s Jubilee Queen JW
2.Galea’s Southlarch Touch The Sun
Maiden Dog (2; 0)Maiden Bitch (4; 1)
1.Holehan’s Loganrish Tiger Warrior
2.Russell’s Tireon Touch of Magic by Settesoli
1.Gisby’s Marlland Lily On the Family by Suttersett (imp NLD)
2.Borthwick’s Danwish Aria
3.Holehan’s Loganrish Tiger Lilly Pearl
Novice Dog (3; 0)Novice Bitch (6; 1)
1.Holehan’s Loganrish Tiger Warrior
2.Russell’s Tireon Touch of Magic by Settesoli
3.Macfarlane’s Harelferg New Tricks
1.Gisby’s Marlland Lily On the Family by Suttersett (imp NLD)
2.Borthwick’s Danwish Aria
3.Southlarch Guinevere
4.Cherrovale Dream Come True
5.Loganrish Tiger Lilly Pearl
Undergraduate Dog (4; 0)Undergraduate Bitch (3; 0)
1.Richardson’s Bardonhill McIntosh Red at Montgreenan
2.Lucas’s Gwendariff Bachelor Boy
3.Russell’s Tireon Touch of Magic by Settesoli
4.Davison’s Bardonhill Million Reasons
1.Allen, Bott & Morgan’s Quensha Joker And The Queen
2.Gisby’s Marlland Lily On the Family by Suttersett (imp NLD)
3.Galea’s Southlarch Touch The Sun
Graduate Dog (5; 0)Graduate Bitch (6; 1)
1.Green’s Glencarron Show Must Go On JW
2.Kolbach’s Kerryfair Zoom in On Pawsword
3.Gilray’s Jonola Singapore Sling
4.Sheldon’s Bardonhill a Millón Ways to Delsanto
5.Hill’s Shenanagin Stand N’ Deliver for Ronjunes
1.Wilson’s Kerryfair enchanted Rose for Queentales
2.Hunter & Brown’s Glencarron Another Chapter at Braidmount
3.Stevenson’s Lochlorien Unforgotten
4.Vallance’s Glencarron Second Edition to Corcencone
5.Peter’s Corranroo Viennese Waltz to Shirlilah
Post Graduate Dog (3; 0)Post Graduate Bitch (8; 0)
1.MacAulay’s Harreds Lachlan at Stylersetts
2.Walker’s Gwendariff Ucan’t Touch This JW
3.McCulloch’s Shenanagin Oh Oh Seven
1.Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady JW
2.Parson’s Forfarian Flutt’r Yer Lashes at Bransett JW
3.Sharp’s Forfarian Exchange Glances
4.Box’s Fernstart Angel’s Kiss
5.Hall’s Harreds Lillie
Limit Dog(11; 0)Limit Bitch (11; 1)
1.Brown’s Riverbrue Soldier On
2.Davison’s Bardonhill You Don’t Fool Me
3.Deighton’s Oakdene Schiehallion (imp Bel)
4.Murchison’s Kerryfair Please Please Me Corphin
5.Richardson’s Gwendariff Tullys Red Arrows
1.Catling’s Teleri Here Comes Summer
2.Bott’s Bardonhill Love of My Life
3.Heather’s Sixoaks Leading Lady
4.Bridgewater & Green’s Bridgella’s Don’t Push it
5.Douthwaite & Wharfe’s Quensha Beautiful Stranger at Gracewood
Open Dog (5; 2)Open Bitch (3; 0)

1.Edward’s Sh Ch Gwendariff U Can’tmissme Bonhomie
2.Gisby’s Sh Ch Suttersett King of Hearts JW
3.Russell’s Sh Ch Lynwood Hocus Pocus at Settesoli JW
1.Hunter & Brown’s Int Sh Ch Fairhaven Electra (Swe imp)
2.Catling’s Sh Ch Teleri Indian Summer(AI) JW
3.Sterrit’s Ir SH CH Coranroo Just One Kiss with Riversett Jun Ch
Veteran Dog (5; 0)Veteran Bitch (3; 1)
1.Lucas’s Sh Ch Bardonhill Eternal Flame Among Amberlight JW
2.Rowbottom’s Sh Ch Lanstara Spring Moon
3.Russell’s Strathmead Huckleberry of Settesoli
4.Murchison’s Pawsword Paperback Writer for Corphin VW
5.Tupper & Rosie’s Staratlanta Elliott ShCM VW
1.Stevenson’s Lochlorien True Detective is Andley
2.Bougen’s Sh Ch Gwendariff Lily The Pink