Judges Criteria
The Judging Lists will be updated quarterly.
All new applications need to be received by Breed Education Co- ordinator a month prior to publication, so applications need to be received by Breed Clubs well before that deadline.
BEC will then circulate new names to the other Clubs and receive their votes, all within one month. If deadline dates are not met then new applications will be transferred to the next quarter of the system.
Applications to BEC by the end of the following dates :
28th February,( published in March) 31st May (June) 31st August (September)
and 30th November (published end of December).
Applicants, please remember that you need to let your nominated Club have your application well before the due dates above.
This Judging List has been compiled jointly by the following Breed Clubs and Societies (referred to hereafter as “the Clubs”) and is endorsed by each of them:-
Irish Setter Breeders Club; Irish Setter Association, England; South of England Irish Setter Club; Midland Irish Setter Society; North East of England Irish Setter Club; Irish Setter Club of Wales; Irish Setter Club of Scotland; Belfast & District Irish Setter Club
The Clubs maintain a single Judging List. This list is an annual list and runs from 1st January until 31st December each year and is revised and updated in accordance with Kennel Club Regulations.
(a) Definition of Lists
A1 List
Judges who, having been authorised by the Kennel Club, have awarded Challenge Certificates in Irish Setters in the United Kingdom, and who are supported by the Clubs.
A2 List
Judges who, if invited to judge by a society, would in principle be approved by the Kennel Club to award Challenge Certificates in Irish Setters for that occasion, and who are supported by the Clubs.
A3 List
Experienced Judges, not yet approved by the Kennel Club for inclusion on the A2 List, whom the Clubs would support to award Challenge Certificates in Irish Setters.
B List
Judges whom the Clubs would support to judge Irish Setters at Championship Shows where Challenge Certificates are not on offer and at Open/Limit Shows where five or more classes of Irish Setters are scheduled.
C List
Judges whom the Clubs would support to judge Irish Setters at Open/Limit Shows where four (providing one is a puppy class) or less classes are scheduled.
(b) General Conditions
1) Inclusion on this Judging List is open to all including non-breed specialists and is at the discretion of the Clubs. Subject to meeting the requirements of sections (a) “Definition of Lists” and (c) “Criteria for Assessing Candidates” as set out herein, inclusion on the A1 List can be by invitation or application, on the A2 List by Kennel Club approval only, and on the A3, B and C Lists by application only, with the exception of Championship Show Gundog Group Judges who will be considered annually and may, at the discretion of the Clubs, be placed on an appropriate List. Also those who have gained a Credit at an Irish Setter JDP assessment, may also judge the breed at B List level.
2) Applications for inclusion on this Judging List may be made to any of the Clubs, each of whom will participate in determining the placing of applicants on relevant lists.
3) Since inclusion on this Judging List is regarded as an honour bestowed by the Clubs, achievement of the criteria stated DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY mean acceptance for inclusion on the List.
4) The reviewed and updated List will be published by the Clubs annually, will be included in their annual returns to the Kennel Club, and be available on application to any of the Clubs.
5) Any overseas judging will be considered from clubs/societies that are affiliated with their host country’s Kennel Club. None affiliated clubs can not be counted.
(c) Criteria for Assessing Candidates
A1 List
1) Must have been assessed in accordance with Kennel Club requirements and accepted by the Kennel Club for inclusion on this List.
A2 List
1) Must fulfil all the requirements of the A3 List.
2) Must have been assessed in accordance with Kennel Club requirements and accepted by the Kennel Club for inclusion on this List.
A3 List (Breed Specialists)
1) Must have judged 180 Irish Setters (hands on) at Open/Limit Show level, in the United Kingdom with a good geographic spread. Irish Setters judged outside the United Kingdom will be considered when supported by official documentation.
2) Must have had 7 years judging experience in Irish Setters, up to the time of application.
3) Must have a minimum of 3 Irish Setters entered in The Kennel Club Stud Book, each of which must have been bred and/or owned by the applicant at the time when the dog obtained its first entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book (save in exceptional circumstances)
4) Must have stewarded over a minimum of 12 days at shows, Open or Championship level
5) Must have fulfilled the Judges Training Requirements as specified by the Kennel Club at the time of application. As from the effective dates specified for each requirement in the sections below these are:
- To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination on the Requirements of a Dog Show Judge (01.07.2001)
- To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation and Movement (01.07.2001)
iii. To have attended a ‘Points of the Dog’ assessment conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the assessment.(01.07.2005)
- To have attended a Breed Seminar on Irish Setters, to include the breed standard and successfully completed a multiple choice exam on the breed standard run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination and/or an assessment where applicable. (01.07.2001)
- Must have taken and passed a ‘hands on’ assessment of Irish Setters including judging a line up of dogs and critique writing. (01.07.2001)
6 Must have attended an Open Field Trial or an Open Gundog test (GWT) in the Setter & Pointer Sub-Group (01.01.2011)
A3 List (Non Breed Specialists)
1) Must have awarded Challenge Certificates in at least one other breed
2) Must have judged 180 Irish Setters (hands on) at Open/Limit Shows in the United Kingdom
3) Must have had 5 years judging experience in Irish Setters, and 7 years in their specialist breed at the time of application.
4) Must have a minimum of 3 dogs of any breed entered in The Kennel Club Stud Book, each of which must have been bred and/or owned by the applicant at the time when the dog obtained its first entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book (save in exceptional circumstances)
5) Must have attended a Breed Seminar on Irish Setters, to include the breed standard and successfully completed a multiple choice exam on the breed standard, run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination and/or assessment where applicable.
6) Must have taken and passed a ‘hands on’ assessment of Irish Setters including judging a line up of dogs and critique writing.
7) Must have attended an Open Field Trial or an Open Gundog test (GWT) in the Setter & Pointer Sub-Group (01.01.2011)
A3 List (Non UK Judges, i.e. judging experience gained wholly or mainly outside UK)
1) Must have awarded the equivalent of Kennel Club Challenge Certificates in Irish Setters outside the United Kingdom
2) Must provide other relevant information and details of judging experience.
B List (Breed Specialists)
1) Must have judged 36 Irish Setters (hands on) at Open/Limit Show level, with a reasonable geographic spread.
2) Must have fulfilled the Judges Training Requirements as specified in the A3 List (Breed Specialists) paragraphs 5 i), 5 ii) and 5 iii) above
3) Must have attended a Breed Seminar on Irish Setters, to include the breed standard and successfully completed a multiple-choice exam on the breed standard.
4) View the Kennel Club ring stewarding seminar and take the online quiz.
5) Complete the Kennel Clubs critique writing seminar and take the online quiz.
B List (Non Breed Specialists)
1) Must be listed as B List (Breed Specialists) for their own specialist breed
2) Must have judged 36 Irish Setters (hands on) at Open/Limit Show level with a reasonable geographic spread.
3) Must have fulfilled the Judges Training Requirements as specified in the A3 List (Breed Specialists) paragraphs 5 i), 5 ii) and 5 iii) above
4) Must have attended a Breed Seminar on Irish Setters, to include the breed standard and successfully passed a multiple-choice exam on the breed standard.
5) View the Kennel Club ring stewarding seminar and take the online quiz. (For those who are not already passed to award Challenge Certificates in another breed).
6) Complete the Kennel Clubs critique writing seminar and take the online quiz. (For those who are not already passed to award Challenge Certificates in another breed).
C List (Breed and Non Breed Specialists)
1) Must have exhibited Irish Setters or their own specialist breed for 5 years.
2) Must have attended The Kennel Club seminar ‘Requirements of a Dog Show Judge’.
3) Must have attended The Kennel Club Seminar ‘Conformation and Movement’.
4) To have completed a minimum of TWO full days stewarding.
NOTE Individuals residing in Northern Ireland may use their judging experience in Southern Ireland (at Championship Show level only) when stating number of classes and dogs judged (hands on).
As agreed by all the Irish Setter Breed Clubs listed above on 10th July 2005 and as amended on 6th December 2009. 1st January 2014, 1st January 2016, 17th March 2019, 1st March 2020 and on 1st January 2021, 1st January 2023. (changes inline with KC regulation changes)