In accordance with the Constitution of the Club notice is given that the next Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 23 February 2025 at 1.30pm,
Venue – East Calder Partnership Centre, 139 Main Street, Livingston, EH53 0EP.
The Office Bearers and Committee standing down this year are:-
Chairman Brian M Marshall
Honorary Secretary Sandra Sturrock
Honorary Treasurer Brian M Marshall
Committee Ms L Kolbach Mr D McCulloch
Miss K Vallance Mrs M Davie
Mrs J Dow Mrs L Murchison
Brian has intimated that he wishes to retire from the committee and therefore will not be seeking re-election as Chairman or Treasurer. The other office bearer and the committee have indicated their willingness to stand again.
Nominations for other candidates must be duly proposed and seconded by 20 December 2024. Nominations received after that date cannot be accepted under any circumstances. Ballot papers, if required, will be issued at the beginning of January 2025. The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting will be notified on the Club’s Website and Facebook.
I wish also to advise that any resolutions or other items to be placed on the Agenda for the AGM must be in writing, duly seconded, and submitted to me by no later than 20 December.
Sandra Sturrock
Honorary Secretary
November 2024