50th Breed Champ Show 16th Nov 2024

Judge: Mr Gordon Haran (Magregor)

BIS BVIS DCC SH CH Lynwood Hocus Pocus at Settersoli JW
BIS BVIS DCC SH CH Lynwood Hocus Pocus at Settersoli JW
BCC RBIS Harred Lillie & RBCC Glencarron Second Edition to Corcencone
BCC RBIS Harred Lillie & RBCC Glencarron Second Edition to Corcencone
Main Results
BIS SH CH Lynwood Hocus Pocus at Settersoli JW
RBIS Harred Lillie
BPIS Gwendariff Flirt in a Skirt (IKC)
BVIS SH CH Lynwood Hocus Pocus at Settersoli JW
DCC SH CH Lynwood Hocus Pocus at Settersoli JW
RDCC SH CH IR SH CH Gwendariff Absolutely Marwe’llus (IKC) Ww24 Cw24
BCC Harreds Lillie
RBCC Glencarron Second Edition to Corcencone

49th Breed Champ Show 13th Apr 2024

Judge: Mrs Julie Wilkins (Margretswood)

BIS BCC: Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady JW - RBIS RBCC: Caitling’s Teleri Here Comes Summer (AI)

BIS and BCC:  Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady JW
RBIS and RBCC:  Caitling’s Teleri Here Comes Summer (AI)

BPIS: Gisby’s Marlland Lily on the Valley (imp Ned)

BPIS:  Gisby’s Marlland Lily on the Valley (imp Ned)

Main Results

BIS and BCC:  Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady JW
RBIS and RBCC:  Caitling’s Teleri Here Comes Summer (AI)
BPIS:  Gisby’s Marlland Lily on the Valley (imp Ned)
BOS BVIS DCC:   Lucas’s SH CH Bardonhill Eternal Flame Among Amberlight JW
RDCC:  Green’s Glencarron The Show Must Go On JW
